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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration

The entire Walled Lake Consolidated Schools community was invited to attend the District's 26th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration on Monday, January 20, 2025. 

The theme was “Unity". Unity in diversity is unity between all individuals and groups, regardless of differences. It is unity without uniformity, and diversity without divisiveness. It is an understanding that the differences between people enrich our lives and makes our country the special, and unique place it is.

Three students were featured at this year's celebration as keynote speakers: Mareme Diop, Jeliayah Fulton and Hasini Julai.

Alec Bender Friend of Diversity Award

Alec Bender Friend of Diversity Award winners

The 2025 Alec Bender Friend of Diversity Award winners were (L-R) Walled Lake Central junior Kiyana Firoozgan, Pleasant Lake 5th-grader Ava Thompson, and Walled Lake Northern ELD teacher Kevin Wilson.

The award is given out annually and honors individuals who are true friends of multicultural diversity in our school district and community. Each winner is recognized at our annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration.

Any student, staff, community member, local business, or local organization is eligible to be nominated. Any member of the Walled Lake Consolidated Schools community may submit a nomination.

This year's entry deadline was Friday, December 13.

Express Yourself Contest

Walled Lake Consolidated Schools' students were welcomed to submit an Express Yourself project. The theme for this year’s project was “Unity”. Students were able to create a project that expresses what the theme means to them. Projects could be a speech, an essay, a picture, a poem, a drawing, a video, a musical piece or any other format to express “You Belong”.

The winner(s) of this contest shared their projects, on stage, at the 26th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration. This is a great opportunity to recognize students and their creativity. It is by far the crowd’s favorite part of the annual MLK Celebration.  

This year's entry deadline was Friday, December 13.