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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

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Michigan Assessment Program

Michigan Assessment Program Overview

Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress logo

Michigan's assessment program, the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP),  is an online test that was developed by the Michigan Department of Education’s Office of Standards and Assessment.

The M-STEP includes state summative assessments designed to measure student growth effectively for today’s students. English language arts and mathematics will be assessed in grades 3 to 8, science in grades 4 and 7, and social studies in grades 5 and 8. It also includes the Michigan Merit Examination in 11th grade, which consists of the ACT Plus Writing, WorkKeys, and M-STEP summative in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

The Michigan Merit Examination (MME) in 11th grade consists of the SAT and WorkKeys (a work skills assessment) and the M-STEP summative assessments which will measure student growth in science, and social studies. 

You can learn more about the Michigan Assessment Program in by viewing the M-STEP Summary.

Walled Lake Consolidated Schools focus has been, and continues to be, effective instruction characterized by:

  • Positive relationships within a supportive classroom community
  • Relevant and engaging lessons that demonstrate the effective use of the formative assessment process (e.g., data-driven instructional decision making, timely and targeted feedback tied to learning targets, etc.)
  • Strategic integration of instructional technology
  • Research-supported grading practices and assessments that reflect the belief that all students can demonstrate mastery with appropriate time and support
  • Adherence to a standards-aligned curriculum

None of the above should be viewed in isolation or as separate initiatives. Each of us must look holistically at effective instruction if we are to make gains in student learning. It is through genuine collaboration, a passion for excellence that refuses to yield to mediocrity, and growth mindsets embodied in continuous learning that, together, we can realize our mission to become the best educational system in America.

Participation in State Assessment Programs for Michigan Public Schools

The MDE understands and respects the rights of parents to make all manner of choices regarding the education of their students. However, there is no official ability by Michigan or federal law for parents to have their child 'opt out' of the assessments, without counting against their school and district’s participation rates. Please also remember that any student in a Michigan public school is being taught Michigan content standards, and this is simply an opportunity to understand their progress in learning those standards. For more information, please view the MDE Opt-Out Memo.

MDE Creates M-STEP Practice Assessment

MDE created an online practice test for students. The M-Step Practice Test must be used in a Google Chrome browser.  

MI School Data logo

M-STEP Scores 


Please visit MiSchool Data for all state assessment scores.