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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

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Super Star Staff Awards

The Foundation For Excellence is thrilled to kick off our "Super Star Staff" awards program.

This great program allows families to recognize a fabulous WLCSD Staff member with a nomination for our Super Star Staff Award which gives them an entry into a drawing for one of two $500 monetary gifts from Walled Lake Schools Federal Credit Union.  This staff member could be a teacher, administrator, bus driver, paraprofessional, substitute teacher, or custodian.... so anyone who makes a difference in our schools!

A nomination costs $10 with the proceeds supporting the Foundation For Excellence's mission to put more money back in classrooms through our classroom grant program. Since 1991, the FFE has given back over $1Million to classrooms across the district.  

The staff member will receive a certificate (as shown below) with a personalize message from you and an entry into a drawing for $500 for each nomination they receive.  

The drawing will take place on Friday, May 2nd and the winners will be notified the following week when we surprise them present them with their $500 prize during Staff Appreciation Week!  (Exact dates for delivery will depend on the winners' schedules to ensure they will be around when we come by).


It's simple for you to do:

1)  Fill out the nomination form ((Will be available in April 2025))

2)  Make your payment for $10 per nomination through Paypal:

That's it!  We will get the certificate delivered to them and their name entered in the drawing.  

If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Gurwin, Executive Director, at 248-956-2116 or

Thank you to WLSEFCU for your sponsorship!