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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

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WLCSD 5th Grade Camp

The information and form on this page pertains to students attending 5th grade with one of the following buildings: Commerce Elementary, Dublin Elementary, Glengary Elementary, Hickory Woods Elementary, Keith Elementary, Loon Lake Elementary, Mary Helen Guest Elementary, Meadowbrook Elementary, Oakley Park Elementary, Pleasant Lake Elementary, St. William Parish, Walled Lake Elementary and Wixom Elementary. 


$160 - Includes transportation to and from camp, 6 meals, 2 snacks, 6 two-hour class blocks, class materials, silk screen set-up (students provide shirt), and overnight chaperones.

$130 - Second child in the same family attending in same school year.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may pay directly at the student's school. Some schools also accept payment through Skyward Family Access. Please contact your school to see if Skyward Family Access is an option for you. 

Two students examining deer skeleton
Keith Elementary 5th grade girl climbing rock wall
girl painting with water colors