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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

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Walled Lake Western vs. Walled Lake Central football
Walled Lake Athletics Logo
850 Ladd Rd., Building D
Walled Lake, MI 48390

Phone: (248) 956-2073
Fax: (248) 956-2072

Brian Swinehart

Director of Athletics

Why I play sports?

The Walled Lake Consolidated Schools' Athletic Department recognizes that all extracurricular activities are an integral part of our educational system,  therefore the Athletic Department shall create a competitive sports program to assist students in reaching their potential as individuals and as team members to ensure their positive educational experience. Consult the WLCSD Student-Athlete Handbook for further information.


If you have a child that will continue his/her athletics in college, help us recognize them in our Learning Newsletter by filling out our WLCSD College Bound Athlete form.


Athletics News