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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

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Special Services

Walled Lake Consolidated Schools provides a full range of educational programs for academically and physically challenged students in compliance with state and federal laws.  These services are provided to qualified individuals residing within our school district. Programs through Special Services vary for each child and are customized to the student's individual needs.

The Special Services Department is responsible for the identification, evaluation, programming, transitional needs, related programs and educational records for children who are disabled. Each student who qualifies for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act has an Individual Educational Program (IEP). Support personnel may include speech and language pathologists, teacher consultants, school psychologists, school social workers, and occupational and physical therapists.

WLCSD has 1,870 students with unique IEPs across the district, or 12.5% of our birth to 26-year-old student population. The district seeks to be responsive to the needs of our families and their children. It is one reason why so many families want their children in our schools. 

Julieanne Muir

Julieanne Muir

Assistant Superintendent of Special Services