Walled Lake Consolidated Schools has charted new paths in infrastructure and use of educational technology to enhance instructional practices and transform learning. A shared vision with intentional planning and work by the district has built a strong foundation for transformational learning experiences for students. The effective use of technology in our classrooms enables our students to learn in ways not otherwise possible.
Community support for educational technology is evident. The community supported a safety, security and technology bond helping to ensure 21st century learning environments in all classrooms with equitable access to technology for students in November of 2013.
The Information Systems department works hard to provide and support a robust and reliable network to support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), digital learning and computer based testing.
ISTE Technology Standards
New Michigan Standards
- Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students (MITECS)
- Age Band Articulation
- Scenarios
- Technology Scope and Sequence - a grade level breakdown of technology skill development
CIPA Compliance Statement
As mandated by the federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers, the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was passed. Walled Lake Consolidated Schools and its libraries are compliant with CIPA, providing technologies that go above and beyond content filtering to ensure our children are protected.