Logging onto a Personal Laptop
The student will log on however he/she has been doing at home.
Connecting to the WLCS-Monitored wireless on a Laptop:
- To access the wireless icon: (Windows 7), click on the wireless icon on bottom right of their screen, (Windows 8) swipe mouse all the way to the right OR (Windows 8 touch screen) swipe from the right to reveal and click on Settings and then Available (they are both icons, but when you hover they show the words).
- Choose WLCS-Monitored, click the box that says “Connect Automatically” and then Connect.
- Login browser will pop up and they will use their network login (Tell them this is what they would use if they were logging on to a computer lab in elementary).
Logging onto WLCSD Google Account on a laptop
- Open Chrome browser and go to www.google.com Log on to Google account. (If they do not have Chrome on their machine they should download it).
- If they have a personal Gmail account already set up, they can choose to Add Account.