What can I pay for if I register with e~Funds for Schools?
Lunch payments, athletic participation fees, athletic passes, class supply fees, high school book deposits, Prime Time Care payments, Preschool payments, many class field trips, fines and more are available to pay through e~Funds for Schools.
Note - Community Education Courses, Facility Rentals, Outdoor Education Center, Walled Lake Western Volleyball Marathon and school play tickets cannot be purchased in e~Funds at this time.
What types of payments does e~Funds for Schools accept?
E~Funds for Schools accepts web check payments directly from your checking account by adding your checking account information (from the bottom of your paper checks) to your e~Funds account as a preferred payment method. Visa, Master Card, Discover and AMEX credit (and debit) cards are currently accepted for payment. In order to provide the maximum protection in safeguarding your credit card information, e~Funds is PCI/DSS certified compliant.
Note that “debit” cards are handled as credit cards.
Is there a fee for using e~Funds?
There is a $1.25 processing fee assessed when making checking account payments in e~Funds, regardless of the total amount of the purchase. $2.85 is assessed for each increment of $100 being charged. So, if a payment is $99.99 the fee would be $2.85. If the payment is $100.01 the fee would be $5.70, etc.
Can I use my PayPal account?
No, sorry. PayPal is not an available payment option with e~Funds for Schools.
Can I have a credit card and a checking account of file in e~Funds?
Yes, you can set up one credit card and one checking account. Select one as your preferred method of payment before you begin your purchase. You can change your preferred method of payment at any time. Purchases cannot be split between two payment methods.
Note - any future or automatic payments you set up will use your preferred method of payment.
I forgot my username and/or password.
There are options on the login screen to send an email to e~Funds about a forgotten username or a forgotten password. E~Funds will email your username (based on information you provide) and/or a temporary password.
When confirming your identity, it will ask for your account number. Please enter the checking account number or credit card number of your preferred method of payment.
I can’t find payment options for my student.
If you have just registered with e~Funds and are looking to make your first student payment but don’t see the option available, please check to make sure you have added your student(s) in the Student Management option.
The registration process in e~Funds includes connecting your students to your account. This function only needs to be done once. In Student Management you will be prompted to “add” your family id and last name, OR add each of your children’s student id and last name to your account. When this process is complete, you will see a tab for each of your students when you go back into the Make A Payment option. Each student’s tab will display all of the payment options available for that student.
How do I find my student and/or family ID numbers?
Each of your students has had an id number assigned to them that will remain with them during their time in Walled Lake Consolidated Schools. Each family has also been assigned a unique id number that connects family members. This information can be found in the Skyward Family Access system.
Watch the video “Finding Id’s” in the Resource section below to help you locate your student or family id.
I don’t have a Skyward Family Access account.
To obtain a Skyward Family Access username and password, please email FamilyAccess@wlcsd.org or contact the Skyward Family Access hotline at (248) 956-2190. Please be sure to include your name, the name of each child in the district, your email address and daytime phone number.
Are instructions and/or videos available to help me register in e~Funds?
Yes, videos and documentation to assist parents in the set up and ongoing use of e~Funds for Schools are available in the Resource section below.
Can I make purchases for more than one student on one order?
Yes, just add your purchase in each student’s tab and press the continue button when you have finished making your selections. A list of the purchases you intend to make will be displayed at the bottom of the page. These options may be removed before you continue with your order. Please be sure to review your selections and make necessary corrections before you continue.
Can I set up recurring payments?
Some payments, such as lunch, can be set up as a recurring payment that repeats for a desired amount on a schedule that you select (weekly, biweekly or monthly). Refer to the “Parent Quick Guide” in the Resource section below for instructions.
Will I be notified of recurring payments before they are posted to my account?
Yes, an email will be sent to the email addresses you’ve entered.
I did not get an order confirmation – just says “please wait”.
Chances are you are using the Internet Explorer browser to run the e~Funds for Schools application. If you receive a “please wait” message, your order is not being processed. Please log out and go to the e~Funds for Schools website using either Chrome or Firefox browsers. E~Funds for Schools does not support the Internet Explorer browser.
Can I go directly to e~Funds for Schools without going through Skyward Family Access?
Yes, the direct link to login to e~Funds for Schools is: https://eps.mvpbanking.com/cgi-bin/efs/login.pl?access=55905
Skyward Family Access contains all student information including student and family id’s, student grades, emergency information, registration and more. E~Funds for Schools is a payment processing system only.
Can I set up low balance lunch notices and automatic lunch payments?
Yes, use the Advisory Settings to set low lunch balance amounts for email notifications and automatic payments when balances reach the designated low balance amount. Refer to the “Parent Quick Guide” in the Resource section below for instructions.
Do my payments update my student’s accounts immediately?
E~Funds for Schools does link to the student lunch and fee accounts in Skyward Family Access in real-time. Occasionally there may be a momentary hesitation between the two systems. My student’s lunch balance isn’t correct. E~Funds for Schools pulls the Skyward Family Access lunch balances at 2:00 am each day (Monday–Friday). Consequently, any purchases your child makes during the day will not be included in the e~Funds lunch balance. Payments made to student lunch accounts, however, will be added to their lunch account balance as payments are made.
Is there a way to see my payment history?
Parents can review online payment history that will show each electronic payment made and the item purchased per child for the entire school year. Refer to the “Parent Quick Guide” in the Resource section below for instructions.
What happens if I don’t have sufficient funds in my checking account?
E~Funds will send you and email letting you know that the checking account payment you made was not processed due to insufficient funds and will provide you the date the payment will be redeposited so that you can make sure the funds are available on that date. E~Funds will charge an NSF fee to your account.
I received an email from e~Funds that says my account is not available.
E~Funds will send an email to you if your bank does not find your account. The routing and checking account numbers you enter in the Account Setting – Payment Information must be exactly as they are imprinted at the bottom of your paper checks. When a payment is uncollected, the items you purchased for your student(s) will be voided from their accounts.
I need help!
For support, email e~Funds for Schools at efs@mvpbanking.com or click on “Contact Us” from any e~Funds for Schools webpage.
Contact the Walled Lake Consolidated Schools' Business Office at (248) 956-2044 and ask for e~Funds support, or email Sheryl Petruno.