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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

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Online Payments

Online Payments

Online payments for most school related needs, including student fees, lunch payments, Prime Time Care and preschool are available through our online payment solution e-Funds for Schools.


Mobile Payments

Mobile Pay is a responsive website optimized for smart phones/tablets that use either Android or Apple operating systems. It allows parents to view meal balance, make payments and update payment information all without the inconvenience of finding a PC. Mobile Pay also has the ability for guests to make purchases without comprising account security. Please refer to the Mobile Pay Reference Guide and Mobile Pay Step-By-Step Guide with any questions.

Mobile Pay website

I don’t have an e-Funds account

e-Funds parent portal

  • Click on “Register Here” and provide the requested information.
  • Click “Sign Up!” after you have read and agreed to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You will be brought to the “Student Management” webpage.
  • Enter the Student Number or Family Number that has been provided to you through your Skyward Family Access account along with your student’s last name.
  • Click “Add.”  You can add each child in your family to one e-Funds account and make payments on behalf of all of them at the same time.

A parent registration guide is available for viewing on the e-Funds for Schools website or view video instructions on how to get started below under Resources.

I don’t have a Skyward Family Access Account

To obtain a Skyward Family Access username and password, please email or contact the Skyward Family Access hotline at (248) 956-2190. Please be sure to include your name, the name of each child in the district, your email address and a daytime phone number.

Help! I’m on the e-Funds for Schools website, and I’m having trouble!

For support, you may email e-Funds for Schools at or contact contact our accounting secretary, Sheryl Petruno, at (248) 956-2044.