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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

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Adult Education

Two adults reviewing a worksheet, while a third person completes theirs sitting at a table
Two adults smiling at camera with their jack-o-lanterns
Four adults smiling behind their classroom table
Four adults smiling together at holiday party
Two adults sitting at a table doing worksheets
Group photo of adult education students in front of day of the dead stand
Two adults reading the Oxford Picture Dictionary
Two adults scooping the insides out of a pumpkin
Three adults smiling with a work book
Four people making a presentation
Five adults smiling behind their classroom table
Group photo of adult education students with a cake


ESL class are full. We are only enrolling new GED students at this time.

There are two ways new students can enroll: 

  • Tuesdays or Thursdays at James R. Geisler Middle School from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • By appointment at the Educational Services Center. Please call (248) 956-5020 or email Joan Sare to schedule your appointment during the week between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.  

You must bring a valid picture ID and allow 1-1.5 hours to register and take the placement test.

Classes are free for all ESL and GED students. There is a one time, annual $25 non-refundable registration fee.

Students may begin the registration process by enrolling here.

New Student Interest Form

Walled Lake Consolidated Schools offers ESL and GED courses on Tuesday and Thursday nights at James R. Geisler Middle School (46720 W. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake, 48390).

  • ESL Classes - 5:30-8:00 p.m.

  • GED Classes - 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Free childcare is available while parents attend class for children ages 4-12.  Parents must complete the Childcare Registration Form.

Adult Ed Logo

Lora Stout

Director of Creative Programs and Continuous Improvement

Adult Education Offerings

Please click on the class titles below for a brief description. Students are assigned to ESL classes based on their current needs.