English Language Development
"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." - Frank Smith
The Walled Lake Consolidated Schools' English Language Development (ELD) program serves over 1,100 students that are learning English or come from homes in which a language other than English is spoken. Services are provided to meet the individual needs of the students and may include ELD classes or support from our ELD teacher and/or paraeducators in or out of the classroom.
Our ELD staff includes one program coordinator, one program assistant, 13 ELD teachers, and 31 highly-trained ELD paraeducators, many of whom are bilingual.
There are more than 80 languages represented in our district. Our three major languages other than English are Arabic, Japanese and Spanish. We value our cultural and linguistic diversity!
You can find a complete list of our bilingual ELD staff in the drop downs below.