*Please start Step 1 as soon as possible*
Step 1: Complete the MiECC Application (Oakland County Application)
- Select "preschool 3-5"
- Enter your email
- Check the box for "do you have a specific preschool you would like to apply for?"
- For the question "What city are you looking for preschool in?" Select "Walled Lake".
- Under Preschool, select “Walled Lake Schools”.
Process for Step 1:
- Family applies through Oakland County Early Childhood Application (Michigan Early Childhood Connect (MiECC))
- *You will need to upload the following documents into MiECC.
- Birth Certificate/Proof of age
- Proof of income/eligibility (examples include: 2023 or 2024 income, Medicaid, SNAP)
- Proof of residency
- Immunizations (optional)
- Health Appraisal (optional)
- Help Me Grow Care Coordinators from Great Start Collaborative Oakland County receive and review all applications.
- The Care Coordinator will refer you to Walled Lake Schools and notify you in 2-3 weeks that the referral was sent. Please note: Only completed applications with documents uploaded will be referred.
- You will receive an email to sign up for an appointment to bring in your completed GSRP Packet.