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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

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Blended Classroom

Preschool teacher showing students cook cutters in blended classroom

Monday - Thursday

8:10 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. (morning session)

12:05 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. (afternoon session)

Lower Child to Teacher Ratio

Our Blended Classroom encompasses typically developing preschool students and preschoolers with special needs. This integrated classroom is staffed with a certified early childhood teacher, a certified preschool special education teacher and two paraprofessionals with up to 16 preschool students.

Individualized Instruction for All Students

Teachers provide a language rich environment with a predictable routine, teach diversity, provide multiple modes of learning (ex. visual, auditory, read/write, and kinesthetic), and teach school readiness skills (ex: math, literacy, social-emotional, science and social studies). Teachers use various tools and strategies to provide adaptation and modifications for each individual child (ex. visual aids, direction following tools, modified fine motor tools, repetition), to help them to be successful with the High Scope Curriculum. This curriculum supports active learning, positive adult-child interactions, a child-friendly learning environment, a consistent daily routine, and team-based assessment.

Community Opportunities

Approximately once a month on Fridays, parents/caregivers and teachers go into the community (ex. gyms, parks, movies, library, farms) for a small fee to socialize, work on skills and build a classroom community.

For questions about our blended preschool program, please call (248) 956-5080.

Student painting with dot paint
Student and teacher laughing while writing on white board
Students building with magnetic tiles